Sense Adapt Create – Half-Earth Socialism

Sense Adapt Create explores sustainable digital practices relating to mainstream culture. We use sensor technologies to capture physical phenomena that humans cannot perceive with all their senses. With these digitally supported techniques, we, in turn, adapt complex processes and use them to design simple or highly individualized solutions for real-world problems.

What can you expect?
This semester, we will read Half-Earth Socialism and play the corresponding game to explore new modes of life and develop applications to better our lives. We will use tools like Figma and PowerPoint to visualize use cases and pitch business models.

Who is this seminar for?
Projects are transdisciplinary group-based and developed using the Sense Adapt Create design method. Lastly, you will pitch your idea to internal and external OTH guests.

Seminar begins on 25.03.2024 in L210 @17:15



Hanh Dong, Anna Piehler, Sissi Seidler (SoSe2022)

Figma App